Welcome, Welcome

Welcome, Welcome Y'all.

I have to say...if you are reading this, I am so humbly honored to have you here for my new adventure into blogging.  Stick around as I learn, and I will try to be mildly entertaining.  Maybe not as entertaining as the rabbit hole of cake decorating videos at 10:30pm while your spouse snores, but more so than the back of the Lysol container while sitting on the toilet.  ::Admit it, you've done it::  

Gosh, what do you even blog about? Because, to be honest, I have no clue.  I have friends with blogs, and they are ROCKSTARS, like locally famous-ish.  They have been published and featured.  Some have even written books that have gone on to be best sellers on Amazon (name drop later 😜).  Measuring up to them is not even on my radar at the moment.  But, I mean, hashtag goals.    

Because, to be honest, I have no clue.

I thought about a mom blog, about my kids and all the adventures
 in parenting. Or failures in parenting, though I have a quite of bit of successes too.  I thought about recipes, but I don't have near enough to keep a blog going.  Most of my recipes come from the internet, I have very few originals.  I do love a good DIY, so maybe? I am pretty stinkin' creative, and never shy away from a project.  Pinterest, enough said.  I could talk about current events, faith, or politics, but goodness grief, there are a slew of those already too.  I'm thinking I may share a little bit of everything.  I mean, that's real life, a little bit of food, music, hobbies, kids, and frustrations.  Lets see where this journey takes us, because your guess is as good as mine! 

Hold up, are blogs even still a thing?  I mentioned starting a blog to a friend, and I got the "does anyone still read those?"  I have no idea, I do but I'm just one person, so we shall see.  I am sure there is some new hip thing, like I should probably follow up this blog with a Tik Tok featuring the Carol Baskins dance, yeah? Or do we vlog with a snapchat filter now?  I can't keep up.   

Okay, with all that, I can't promise this blog will be the most outstanding blog you've ever read, but I can promise a few things:

1. I will always be myself, kind, genuine, and a slight over-sharer.
2. This blog will be complete organized chaos.  No really, I don't even know the focus of my blog yet. (I'll get there)
3. Mom jokes will most definitely be included.  Heads up, I was never the funny one.  
4. My grammar is pretty decent, but I will make mistakes. 
5. Speaking of mistakes, I am sure to offend someone, and I promise it isn't intentional.
6. I promise to give this blog the 'old college try'.  I tried once before, and after two posts...nothing.

So, welcome.  I am so glad you are here!

Introductions to follow.

Comment below if you have ever blogged? Do you still?
